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Friday, 6 February 2009

Heaven is a snack pot not a D.J

Why is heaven equated with food? Not necessarily the chosen theme for today but perhaps more of a rude invasion of thought space via the mass consumerist box of wires and 'leads' that we call television. Poison surely rather than heaven. How can it be that this object shrink-wrapped in foil, neatly packaged, one-person sized snack pot can possibly come close to that mythical place called heaven? The tub is white and the crackers resemble something like that which is placed on the tongue in a ceremonial church process. Obviously the mango chutney cannot be placed in the same process, but could it be perceived that there is a cunning linkage to that blindingly illuminated utopian space... up there... with this white-potted, purr inducing tongue sized treat? 

This is not a natural edible wonder of 'nature' like that large, obviously red shiny apple of Eden-which of course is natural. It is a product posited in a space pot without the optional extra vitamin capsule like the space men have. In effect this pot holds as much authenticity and 'real' promise of a heavenly experience, (note lower case h), as the Turkish Delight ads that hatched out of the 70's that wrapped ruby-like gelatine in chocolate and called it a mysteriously seductive must have, (actually that was me before I get taken to court).

Like the big golden-arched 'M' that relentlessly riddles the globe, the 'H' in food is of course a big fat 'M' for myth. No, this is not a lesson or rant on the correct use of upper case, it is me laughing at the duping techniques employed in every screen ad we are insidiously encouraged to watch.

So I the chocolate, we are led to believe is heaven, I the low fat, light snack am heaven, in fact I am whatever the manufacturer called me this time, is heaven "cos they said so!"  

I too then can become an angelic, halo-emblazoned, marcel waved creature if I choose to indulge this virtual out-of-body blissful promise. Eat and be redeemed. I laugh out loud as I type this and want to scream "you must be out of your mind if you believe that!"   

Tomorrow, maybe I shall resume with the original topic in hand, without the TV blurb babbling in the backround...  

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