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Saturday, 22 November 2014

Today I received a positive result, more than one in fact. BRCA 1 and 2 negative. The relief was unsurmountable. Hugely significant reminder....The Gift of Life is never to be underestimated, sometimes you just have to focus on what is really important. The latter.  Grab that wonderful life passionately with both hands and Live it...X

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

'Seize from every moment it's unique novelty and do not prepare your joys' - Andre Gide

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Ok, so it seems there is a lot of sadness for a lot of individuals at the moment. Struggles and situations that challenge to the near beyond is a message conveyed loud and clear. Love and empathy to you. So here is a photograph taken in my local town on a very dark day. Keep reading.The wooden bench I sat upon was soaked as I waited thirty minutes for a prearranged someone who 'sought advice'. No show. I hoped they were ok, safe at least, and rearranged my day. Then came the most brilliant spill of light, such a breathtakingly beautiful moment. I captured this as evidence to depict a viewpoint, mine. You have to experience the dark to appreciate the light. It is ok to feel sadness but you must also not forget there is so much joy out there too so be wary how much time you give to it. The mind is a powerful thing, master it. Negative thoughts serve to fuel the body with negativity and therefore illness so please, every so often kick negativity right up the ass and remember all of the things we have learned that do not serve us we CAN unlearn. Anticipate happiness and happiness is yours. Sending much love Loves...X

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Oh stunning Winter sunshine after work and a refreshing wicked wind capable of blowing away the most persistent of cobwebs. A sign of change, crisp clean good change and a willingness to venture forwards. Near excitement. Glorious. I want to photograph everything.There are so many beautiful skies, cloud formations, waves, people, frames. All of these gifts, such a visual explosion of joy and love. In life, the everyday, I am so grateful for that mere glimpse of the landscape...the double rainbow this morning for instance, miraculous, spectacular and so momentary. So brief. So magic. The snapshot perfect waves, the wild wind playful and divine as it whips my hair around my face of many smiles. Being of the moment, seizing all of those wonderful things in that moment are key, I believe, to the soul and to enrich our lives. Love the now, love that magic that can never be repeated. You will never seen the same rainbow twice, the same sunrise or sunset. Live with eyes that open with the wonder of a child...x