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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Another beautiful day. The September sunshine brings with it yet more smiles and an appreciation for all. It would seem that beauty can also emerge from the darkest places. The last few years have provided me with untold agony of the deepest kind, relentless and cruel; at times I could absolutely see no way forward. What I want to say is, like many of you, I am no stranger to sufferance but I am coming out of the black that life, death and people can paint into your unsuspecting path. I, like you, if you know this dialogue, am stronger now than I have ever been. If you are unsure of your own strength believe me when I say you have it. I live with many tragedies but they no longer control me. I have cut off from all toxicity in my life that I shall never revisit. I live for the now. Please try to do the same. You deserve a beautiful life and to be universally loved, as do I...x    

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Eternal gratitude for the wonderful friends I have in my life. So much wisdom and life-affirming goodness I am lucky enough to experience. No cake required as a sweetener for my coffee today, the compassion, laughter and love was sweet life...X

Saturday, 13 September 2014

There is no 'ordinary day' unless you design it that way...X

Every single day be inspired by some form of beauty that you may see or feel, perhaps even hear. For me, the beautiful blue skies, birdsong, the incredible cloud formations filled will hearts or faces, even the smile of an innocent child with dimples today whose grin, at that moment, was purely for me provided such overwhelming joy and inspiration. I look to life with passion, love and gratitude. It's all there for you if you look...x

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Be fearless, be a star...X

Yes what I would say to you today is derived from the advice given to me by a dear friend recently. Be fearless. Do not allow others to undermine, devalue or dim the beautiful light that you have to offer to this world. Others may well project their insecurities onto you in their own battle with their self, this is not acceptable, let this be known. For in the very valid words of William Blake: "He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star." Be a star, bright and fearless. x

Friday, 5 September 2014

Love yourself because you are beautiful...X

May you Love yourself so purely that no one will ever have the ability to remove Love from your heart again x.